The election of 2012 has been over for about 2 weeks now and it seems that some people are still angry that Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney. This is pointless and part of the arrogance that is plaguing this country. I personally did not vote for Obama or Romney in this election, I voted for the Socialist Equality Party (SEP). I voted for the SEP because the Democrats nor the Republicans do not deserve to represent the American people. If the 2012 election should be summed up it would be: Fear rules the oppressed. People only voted for either Obama or Romney do to fear, not because either candidate had a platform or talked about any reform, but because the people feared that one of the candidates would cause the downfall of the United States. The people keep believing in this " the lesser of two evils" election mentality that they forget "choosing evil from evil, is still choosing evil." The Democrats and Republicans both represent big business interests, war mongering, the destruction of the middle-class and failed economic policies.
The difference is that the Republicans openly support these ideas, while the Democrats are spineless and decide to hide behind " the party of the people", while at the same time continue the reactionary policies of the past such as: cuts that hurt the middle-class, massive military spending that drains much of this country's GDP, capitalist and big business healthcare policies that will result in more power for the insurance companies, the continuation of the Patriot Act, along with new laws that would allow the President to apprehend and kill American citizens without Habeas Corpus and Continuation of laws that allow companies to ship jobs overseas, to just name a few.
Nothing has changed from this election. The republicans still have a majority in the House of Representatives and the Democrats still have a majority in the Senate. This equates to the continuation of the past four years in which both parties will continue to wage a media war to deceive the American people that each party is to blame for this country's economic failures, while at the same time not creating any policies to help the American people. If there are any compromises, these compromises will only hurt the 99% while giving more power to the 1%.
It is time for people to wake up and start to see that capitalism cannot fix capitalism, just like the Democrats and Republicans cannot fix the people's woes. No matter if you choose to defend the Democrats or Republicans, it will not change the fact that millions of people are unemployed, poor, without healthcare, without an education, without a home, and without food. Election 2016 will be the same unless the people choose to vote for not a party, or their own self-interests, but vote pro-humanity, pro-advancement, and pro-people's democracy.