Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Devin's Blog # 3 Republican debates are pointless

As I check the news from time to time, you come across all kinds of interesting stories, like Iran possibly hiring the Mexican Cartel to kill a Saudi diplomat, come on Iran, first of all you are taking away ideas for the last season of Breaking Bad, secondly I guess the USA and Iran has something in common: hiring Mexican labor to do the jobs that Americans and Iranians don't want to do. Time will tell if all the information is correct, but now on to these wonderful Republican debates. Personally I don't watch them, but honestly do you need to? What new ideas have the Republicans created? Yes lets hear how we can enact failed Reagan policies like the "Trickle Down Effect" and continuous tax breaks for the rich. Yes lets make America into a theocracy and continue capital punishment, but in a funny way the Republicans have spoken with the help of candidate Herman Cain. Not only is he the only black republican candidate (hey you have to have the token black guy if you are republican) and has a name you could put as the main character in an action block buster, but has said what should be on every republican slogan "If you are poor it is your fault". Ah how refreshing to hear those words because it has been the truth all along for the republicans, yet oddly the democrats haven't done anything to oppose that notion. It's funny because Hank Williams Jr. gets fired from Monday Night Football because he said "Obama is Hitler", but no one is censoring this guy? Funny the priorities in America, blame the redneck singer for his views, but don't blame the politician for his 6th century view points.

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