So I have not created a blog since April 5th, but I am back, and hopefully will have some more activity writing. I have been busy. I finally finished college, which drained a lot of energy from me, but with my willpower I have succeeded. Now in June for 3 weeks I am taking a course to get a TEFL Certificate ( Teaching English as a Foreign Language) This certificate allows me to teach English anywhere in the world, so I am planning on going to China because I want to continue to learn the language. So what is there to talk about in this blog? Well just some things on my mind I guess.
1st- The stupid governor's race in Wisconsin. Yes I know it was a great accomplishment getting the recall, but to me it is a horrible practice because it places the advantage with the person being recalled. I mean Scott Walker does have to put out ad's, but with a recall he doesn't automatically have to step down as being governor. To me a recall seems to be the people's way of saying they have no confidence in the state legislature, so shouldn't there be a whole new general election for the legislator and the governor? In some of these recalls for state senators it has been two democrats, or two republicans going against each other, that to me is not democracy. That is just possibly replacing one person from a part, with another person from the same part, like in countries where a political party controls the government and can just appoint it's legislators....except now the people can do it because we think that is democracy in action. I say on June 5th vote no confidence because Scott Walker is a corporate fascist bent on destroying this state for his own gain and Tom Barrett is a guy who gets punched in the face. I see lose/lose here.
2nd- This has been going on for a long time, but what the fuck is what all the negativity out there? I mean negativity has become the new cocaine. This person can't do this, or that and that the regular person is low, so lets look up to celebrities like the Kardashans. This " get rich or nothing" attitude is fucking up this country and it doesn't help that if you dislike a rich person they say " don't hate on this person because he is rich, he/she has worked hard to get there" ummmm, only some people get rich that way, others not so much. For example Sean P Diddy Comb's son just got a $ 54,000 free ride to UCLA, the funny thing about this is? His dad is worth $ 500 million !!!!. If people bitch about this it isn't going to be because Sean P Diddy is rich, it is because this is incompetent. Regular people would create genocide to get this free ride to a good college, and with some many people needing college now, it goes to a kid who's dad is worth so much? I'm sorry, it is nothing against his son, according to the article his son has a 3.75 GPA, but so do other people who have no chance of getting that free ride. I mean if I was worth $ 500 million dollars, I could run for President of this country.
3rd- I saw The Avengers and I thought it was pretty good. I had low expectations for it since I didn't like the Captain America movie and the Thor movie and Iron Man 2, but this film was done well, with good writing and chemistry between the characters and some really awesome actions scenes, plus seeing Hulk fight Thor and Iron Man fight Thor was enjoyable. I would give it an 8.5/10 and would recommend seeing it. Now I can't wait for The Amazing Spider-Man and The Dark Knight Rises to come out.
4th- Some guy was shot and killed in Miami by a police officer because he was eating this guy's face, not to mention this guy was naked. The cop told him to stop, and he didn't comply, so the cop shot him, when he still kept eating the guy's face the cop shot him again and killed him.....zombie apocalypse anyone?
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