Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Devin's Blog # 11 America: The Lost Republic

Before I get into this discussion I am going to put quotes from the ACLU website concerning the "National Defense Authorization Act" :  "The Senate voted last Thursday to pass S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would authorize the president to send the military literally anywhere in the world to imprison civilians without charge or trial. Prison based on suspicion alone. The power is so sweeping that the president would be able to direct the military to use its powers within the United States itself, and even lock up American citizens without charge or trial." "No corner of the world, not even your own home, would be off-limits to the military. And there is no exception for American citizens. Section 1031 — one of the indefinite detention provisions — of the Senate-approved version of the NDAA has no limitations whatsoever based on geography, duration or citizenship. And the entire Senate bill was drafted in secret, with no hearing, and with committee votes behind closed doors."

While you would think that the senate would care considering this bill destroys the U.S. constitution but " I'm not sure which was more surprising — that the majority of senators ignored the pleas of countless constituents, or that they also ignored every top national security official opposed to the provisions. Opposition to the detention provisions came from Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, CIA Director David Petraeus, FBI Director Robert Mueller, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, White House Advisor for Counterterrorism John Brennan, and DOJ National Security Division head Lisa Monaco. The Senate ignored them all." 

 Has America really lost itself? First the Patriot Act now this? What is scary is that both the House of Representatives and the Senate are moving fast to try and pass a final bill that could be on President Obama's desk by next week. The President has said he would veto the bill with the provision provided, but will he? America always talks about how it is the epitome of democracy and easily blames other countries for not providing democratic laws, but with the way the U.S. has gone down the road this past decade and even the thought of this law destroys any chance the U.S. has to regain credibility in the world. I thought America fought the fascists in World War 2? Yet it seems that we only defeated Germany and Japan not fascism.

Also how funny when Americans talk about the fear of socialism and communism, yet fascism is pissing on them and telling them Marx did it. The mainstream media doesn't want you to know about this because why talk about important issues? This goes for all the major media stations not just Fox News.I thought America was suppose to be better than the terrorists? The truth is America is losing to the terrorists because it is willing to give up its liberties for security. No matter how it goes in Iraq and Afghanistan these wars and America's continuing transformation into a military state is the biggest price this republic will face. The only opposition I've read to this bill is from Ron Paul. Hopefully this will reach the American people so that there can be real protests and revolutionary acting, unlike the failed Occupy Wall Street Protests. 

On another note the U.S. Government is also trying to pass a bill to censor the internet, so in one swing not only freedom of speech will be obsolete so will Habaes Corpus. All republics fall like this in one fall swoop without much resistance. Take a note from history because the threat of fascism is not gone.

Sources: http://www.aclu.org/blog/national-security/behind-closed-doors-congress-trying-force-indefinite-detention-bill-americans


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